Press Release: OHPI announces “Unity in Diversity on Australia Day” campaign

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: A day-long campaign “Unity in Diversity on Australia Day” will promote positive Australian values and encourage the reporting of bigotry and racism throughout tomorrow (January 26th).

Dr Andre Oboler, CEO of the Online Hate Prevention Institute who are behind the campaign explained, “we’re asking supporters to share messages of inclusion to counter the messages of hate that will be spread by bigots on Australia Day. We’re also asking them to report any hate they see on social media throughout the day. Our tool allows us to track what’s reported and how the social media companies are respond to the reports.”

Racist groups on social media are using Australia Day to try exclude some Australians from society by redefining who gets to count as a real Australian and what being Australian means.  A new briefing from the Online Hate Prevention Institute highlights how the far right are attacking Indigenous Australians, Australian Muslims and anyone who seeks to discuss issues surrounding the meaning of Australia Day. The tenor of their speech is to promote their views with a “love it or leave it” attitude, leaving little room for the inclusion of the diverse ethnic and religious groups which make up today’s Australia.

The campaign also acknowledges the Indigenous Australian perspective on January 26th. For Australia’s first people, this is a day recalling the start of the colonisation of their country and an inappropriate date to celebrate Australia’s National Day.

“We cannot allow messages of division, racism and exclusion to be the theme of this Australia Day. We cannot allow views of hate to be promoted in the name of Australia unchallenged. Whether you are celebrating or commemorating, we urge all Australians to report any hate they see tomorrow.”

The shared values images cover topics such as: multiculturalism, diversity, mateship and religious pluralism. A selection are shown below.

The campaign can be seen at:





