Xenophobia 2020: COVID-19 Anti-Asian Attitudes
Xenophobia has existed throughout history. From earliest times, humans have experienced fear and hatred towards those outside of their own social group, nation or country. Xenophobia – Fear […]
Supplemental Submission to Victorian Parliament
By invitation, the Online Hate Prevention Institute tabled a Supplemental Submission to the Inquiry into Anti-Vilification Protections: Parliament of Victoria on June 17th. The additional submission was requested […]
Coronavirus Used to Fuel Sinophobia
The Coronavirus pandemic is being utilized by hate-mongers to further Sinophobic attitudes in Australia, thus creating and furthering negative attitudes toward Chinese people and Asians in general. Feeding […]
Anxiety, Fear, Misinformation & Xenophobia During the Coronavirus
In the midst of the global COVID-19 pandemic, social media has become rife with hatred, conspiracy theories and misinformation regarding the spread and origin of the virus. In […]