Annual Report 2016 – Community Engagement

This article is an extract based on OHPI’s Annual Report for the 2016 Financial Year. Return to the Report.

Community Engagement

jmca_friendship_walkOHPI has continued to attend events supporting community harmony and diversity while sharing these events online with our supporters.
Events we attended and reported on in social media during the past year include: the Jewish Catholic friendship dinner, Jewish-Muslim Iftar dinner, launch of the new Courage to Care exhibition, Australian Intercultural Society event with the Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police, the United Nations Holocaust Memorial Day commemoration in Melbourne, Executive Council of Australian Jewry’s AGM, Victoria Police Jewish Community Dinner, AGM of the Jewish Community Council of Victoria, Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Councils of Australia’s national conference on multiculturalism in Australia, Race Discrimination Commissioner Dr Tim Soutphommasane speaking at the Jewish Community Council of Victoria Awards Night, Jewish Muslim Christian Friendship Walk including address by Minister Robin Scott, travelling exhibition “Let me be myself: The Story of Anne Frank”, Celebration of Welcome to the new Governor of Victoria, ADC Gandel Oration, Community Leadership Conference, Islamic Research and Educational Academy Eid Dinner, Advancing Community Cohesion conference, Australian Law Students Association conference, and “Iftar in the home”.


We also attended and reported on anti-racism rallies in Bendigo and Melbourne. Presentations were given to a range of community organisations and universities. We delivered training on Holocaust denial for tour guides at the Jewish Holocaust Centre and presented on the threat of online for the B’nai B’rith Raoul Wallenberg Unit. Guest lectures were also given for the La Trobe University Law School and we continued to work with the La Trobe University Communication and Media Department and “The Agency”, a media agency run by their students.

Our major campaign, Spotlight on Anti-Muslim Hate, was financially supported by the Islamic Council of Victoria and a range of community organisations became partners in the project including the Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Councils of Australia (FECCA). The campaign was launched at an event at La Trobe University.

We presented at, and our CEO chaired, the Effective Program Evaluation Conference in Melbourne. This brought together charities large and small to discuss the way they assess their project and demonstrate their impact.

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Social media the megaphone used by those seeking to destroy harmony in our society. OHPI provides the expertise to tackle the technology problem and helps to boost, and take online, positive efforts bringing people together. Please help us continue do this by donating today.

This article is an extract based on OHPI’s Annual Report for the 2016 Financial Year. Return to the Report.