Global Forum Endorses

Key Recommendations

“Capturing Data: The Internet Community needs tools for capturing data of antisemitism on the internet as first requested by the Forum in 2009. The Global Forum draws to the attention of the internet community the software, which was developed to perform this function.” [pg 6]

Action for the Working Group and the Global Forum

“The Working Group further incorporates into its plan of action mobilizing the Global Forum: 37. to draw to the attention of the internet community the TEMPIS taxonomy for categorizing types of online communication and the software system for reporting and analyzing online antisemitism, which were developed as the result of a resolution of the 2009 Global Forum which noted the then absence such tools.” [pg 9]

Source: The 5th Global Forum for Combating Antisemitism, “The Action Plan for Combating Antisemitism 2015 and Beyond and Final Statements” (Israeli Foreign Ministry, 2015). Online at

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