Families fighting to keep loved ones out of extremist groups struggle to find intervention programs
ABC News reports on a number of families who have seen loved ones radicalised by extremist communities, and talks to Matt Quinn in his role as CEO and […]
Antisemitic hate speech rampant in social media
The Winnipeg Free Press discusses some of our CEO Andre Oboler’s comments following his key-note speech at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights on International Holocaust Remembrance Day. […]
Universities Weak on Defining Antisemitic Behaviour On Campus
Our CEO Andre Oboler and David Knoll write for The Australian about the Group of 8’s failure to adopt the internationally accepted IHRA definition of antisemitism. The article […]
It’s not too late to get it right
Our CEO Andre Oboler and David Knoll write for The Australian Jewish News about the Group of 8’s failure to adopt the internationally accepted IHRA definition of antisemitism. […]
Antisemitism 2.0: The Rise Of Online Hate And The Battle To Stop It
thej.ca discusses recent media appearances from our CEO Andre Oboler following his keynote speech at the the Canadian Museum for Human Rights for International Holocaust Remembrance Day. The […]
Canada’s crackdown on online antisemitism is an example worth following
Our CEO Dr Andre Oboler talks to The Canadian Jewish News following his keynote speak at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights for International Holocaust Remembrance Day. The […]
Commemorations in Canada for the 80th anniversary of the Holocaust
La Liberte discusses our CEO Dr Andre Oboler’s up-coming speech at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights on International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Oboler will be giving a key-note […]
Israel accuses Australia of being too slow to investigate anti-Semitic attacks
RNZ reports on Israel’s Deputy Foreign Minister Sharren Haskel accusing Australia of being too slow when investigating recent anti-Semitic attacks. The article talks about the recent rise in antisemitism […]
Expert to address growing threat of online hate at CMHR event
The Winnipeg Sun talks to our CEO Andre Oboler ahead of his key-note speech for International Holocaust Remembrance Day at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights. Oboler discusses […]
Islamophobia and antisemitism — why they are a shared challenge, not a competition
Derya Iner writes for the ABC in response to a recent article by our CEO, Andre Oboler. In the original article for the ABC, Oboler argued that antisemitism […]