This article is an extract based on OHPI’s Annual Report for the 2019 Financial Year. Return to the Report.
Below is an updated list of media engagements where OHPI has been represented or quoted in 2019. In this past year, we’ve seen a noticeable trend where Media platforms have reached out to the Online Hate Prevention Institute and its CEO, Dr Andre Oboler, for answers to the question of ‘how to tackle online hate’ in its many forms.
Radio & Television
19th September *ABC News – live TV interview on Facebook’s efforts to use Exit Australia to combat extremism (watch via Facebook)
4th September * Talking to the Max, JAir Radio – live radio interview on countering online hate
26th August * ABC News Tonight – live interview on the Prime Minister’s efforts to tackle extremism at the G7
6th August * ABC News on the El Paso terrorist attack and 8Chan (watch via Facebook)
26th June * ‘Facebook and France’, Newsfeed on TRT World / Foxtel Channel 652 (4 minute segment)
15th April * Myf Warhurst, Winning the war against online hate, ABC Radio
19th March * ABC News – Cyber security expert wants governments to take action on online extremism – shared globally via MSN News
18th March * 7.30 ABC on the Christchurch terrorist attack and tackling online hate
16th January * Studio 10 Discussing far-right extremism: when does free speech cross the line? – live on television
7th January * 7.30 ABC on far right extremism
Media Articles
7th November *Cameron Wilson, Australia Won’t Censor 8chan Unless It Hosts The Christchurch Video, Says Internet Watchdog, Buzzfeed News
28th August * ‘New ‘Anti-Trolling’ Laws To Stop Online Abuse And Harassment‘, 10 Daily
26th August * Josh Butler, ‘Blocking 8Chan Just ‘Baby Steps’ In Fighting Racist Extremism, Experts Say‘, 10 Daily
25th August * Simone McCarthy , ‘Crackdown on Chinese accounts shows US social media giants becoming ‘more proactive’’, South China Morning Post.
23rd August * Simone McCarthy, ‘Why Facebook and Twitter cracked down on Chinese state attacks on Hong Kong protesters‘, South China Morning Post.
10th July * Mark Shliebs, ‘Australia foments far-right ‘great hate’’, The Australian
29th June * Hana Imsirovic, ‘An Interview with Andre Oboler: Online Hate Speech’, Novinska agencija Patria
14th June * Pauline Rockman, ‘Joining world leaders in Shoah education’, Australian Jewish News page 3.
4th June * ‘Australia joins the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’, J-Wire Jewish Australian News Service
25th May * Nigel Gladstone, ‘‘We have more work to do’: Facebook battles hate, terror, child abuse’, The Sydney Morning Herald
25th May * Nigel Gladstone and Max Koslowski, ‘Alt-right Facebook memes pushed anti-Labor message’, The Sydney Morning Herald
14th May * Naomi Levin, ‘Antisemitic vandalism during this federal election campaign ― why is it happening? what can be done?’, ABC Religion and Ethics
3rd May * Corinne Reichert, ‘Facebook and the ‘phenomenon of trust and ignorance’: La Trobe’, ZDNet
28th April * ‘Rabbi Blames US Synagogue Attack on Social Media ‘Encouraging Lone Wolves’, Sputnik International
17th April * Alex Bruce-Smith, ‘Trolls Target The Woman Behind The Groundbreaking Black Hole Image’, Ten Daily
13th April * Martin McKenzie-Murray, ‘Controlling social media’, The Saturday Paper
10th April * Winning the war against online hate, Griffith News
5th April * ‘Netizen Report: As water levels rise, Iran’s ban on messaging apps is slowing emergency relief for flood victims’, Advox
4th April * Ariel Bogle, ‘Laws targeting terror videos on Facebook and YouTube ‘rushed’ and ‘knee-jerk’, lawyers and tech industry say’ , ABC News
28th March * Luke Costin, ‘Anning in firing line from new FB ban‘, Australian Associated Press
25th March * Karl Wilson, ‘Christchurch shootings fuel politics of race in NZ, Australia‘ China Daily Global
22nd March * Max Mason, ‘Social media giants face regulation as publishers, not just postmen‘, Australian Financial Review
22nd March * Alex Bruce-Smith, ‘After Christchurch, It’s Impossible To Separate The ‘Okay Sign’ From White Supremacy‘ Ten Daily
16th March * M Antoinette Lattouf, ‘The Australian Nazi 2.0, And Why We Need To Take The Threat More Seriously‘, Ten Daily
10th February * Benjamin Goggin, ‘Amazon and Hulu’s algorithms are recommending conspiracy theory films, and the consequences could be more serious than you might think‘, Business Insider