Religion and homophobia
A supporter wrote to us asking about religious groups and homophobia. The most well known case of a religious hate group is the Westboro Baptist Church in the […]
After the Charlie Hebdo Attack: The line between Freedom of Expression and Hate Speech
Examining the line between freedom of expression and hate speech, particular in regards to cartoons of Mohammed, the July Position Paper published by the Kantor Center for the […]
Victorian Minister for Multicultural Affairs responds to OHPI Report
Following the terrorist attacks in France in January 2015, the Online Hate Prevention Institute produced a detailed report “Je Suis Humain: Responsible free speech in the shadow of […]
Anti-Muslim rant going viral
An Anti-Muslim rant falsely attributed to Julia Gillard, and exposed by Snopes back in January 2013, went viral on Facebook in July 2013. After a successful campaign by […]