Throughout April 2020, the Online Hate Prevention Institute (OHPI) will be running a campaign tackling online Islamophobia.
Our 2013 work on Islamophobia on the Internet, produced in consultation with the Islamic Council of Victoria, was highlighted in 2014 to a range of Foreign Ministers by the OIC, and in 2018 the UK’s All Party Parliamentary Committee on British Muslims recognised our 2013 report’s role in raising awareness of the problem among UK politicians. Our December 2015 Spotlight on Anti-Muslim Internet Hate Interim Report was cited in 2017 in a report to the UN Human Rights Council by the Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance. In addition to these reports, over the years we have produced more than 40 briefings on Islamophobia. Our April 2020 campaign continues this important work.
Join us by taking action! You can help the campaign in a number of ways:
- Share this article on social media and with people and organisations who would support this work
- Support and share our fundraiser to further enhance the campaign
- Report examples of online Islamophobia on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to us, by using the tool below. Please also report it to the platforms that are hosting it.
- Help us report the items we highlight in campaign articles
- Muslim organisations and anti-hate organisations are invited to become supporters of the campaign – we need your logo and an article from you that says who you are and your thoughts / experiences regarding online Islamophobia.
- Companies and foundations are invited to become sponsors, these funds along with donations will be used to take the campaign further.
About the Online Hate Prevention Institute:
The Online Hate Prevention Institute is Australia’s only harm prevention charity dedicated to preventing the harm to people as a result of online hate and extremism. We deal with all forms of online hate and our work on other topics can be accessed from our homepage. Funds from this campaign will be used to tackle online Islamophobia. Donations can also be made to support our other campaigns planned for 2020, and general donations are particularly appreciated.
You can also connect with us by joining over 24,000 people who like our Facebook page, following us on Twitter, and joining our mailing list.
Campaign Partners:
Organisations from the Muslim community as well as organisations that work to combat Islamophobia are invited to join the campaign as a partner. Contact us for details.
Campaign Summary
30 April – To complete our Campaign for April, we published a briefing entitled Campaign Launch Incites Anti-Muslim Comments. The briefing looked at the barrage of hate-filled comments we received on our Facebook page when we first announced that we were running this campaign.
22 April – Published an article about a recent incident that created a large number of xenophobic and Islamophobic reactions. The incident involved an Australian Muslim woman. Responses have been hateful and have unfairly targeted all Muslims as capable of the same behavior.
15 April – We published an article on using Twitter for Hate which looks at the way one Twitter user promoted Islamophobia and others forms of hate.
6 April – We published an article written by one of OHPI’s supporters which reflects on first-hand experience of Islamophobia and aspires for a better understanding & acceptance of the Muslim community.
3 April – Published an article, “COVID-19 is the time to understand prejudice-based communities online“
2 April – Reporting Islamophobia tool added
1 April – We published a briefing “Political Online Islamophobia from the United States”. An article researched and written by one of OHPI’s analysts, Osiris Parikh, who is based in the U.S..
1 April – Campaign launched
Report Islamophobia
Please use this tool to report Islamophobia on Facebook, YouTube or Twitter. For content on Instagram or other platforms please contact us and provide the web address.