Through March 2020 the Online Hate Prevention Institute (OHPI) will be running a campaign tackling racism against Indigenous Australians. While we’ve been working on this problem since we were established 8 years ago, this is the first month long campaign proactively tackling the problem.
Join us by taking action! You can help the campaign in a number of ways, e.g. by:
- Sharing this article on social media and with individuals and organisations who support this work
- Supporting and sharing our fundraiser to further enhance the campaign (details of what more funding would mean are below)
- Report examples of online racism against Indigenous Australians both to us and to the platforms that are hosting it
- Help us to report the items we expose in the articles created as part of this campaign
- Indigenous organisations and anti-racism organisations are invited to become supported of the campaign – we need your logo and an article from you that says who you are and your thoughts / experiences regarding online racism against Indigenous Australians.
- Companies and foundations are invited to become sponsors, these funds along with donations will be used to take the campaign further
About us:
The Online Hate Prevention Institute is Australia’s only harm prevention charity dedicated to preventing the harm to people as a result of online hate and extremism. We deal with all forms of online hate and our work on other topics can be accessed from our homepage. Funds from this campaign will be used tackling racism against Indigenous Australians. Donations can also be made to support our other campaigns planned for 2020, and general donations are particularly appreciated.
You can also connect with us by joining over 24,000 people who like our Facebook page, following us on Twitter, and joining our mailing list.
Campaign Summary
31 March – We published a briefing looking at more racism against Indigenous Australians on Twitter. The briefing focused on a particularly problematic Twitter account.
30 March – We published a briefing on racism against Indigenous Australians on Twitter, it also looks at the positive work of IndigenousX.
29 March – We published a briefing on Aboriginal Memes on Facebook.
24 March – We sent out a newsletter which included an update on the campaign.
23 March – We discussed the problem with Race Discrimination Commissioner at the Australian Human Rights Commission and his staff.
12 March – We gave evidence on online Vilification to the Victorian Parliament’s Legal and Social Issues Committee and distributed copies of the briefing on Racism Against Indigenous Australians on Instagram to them.
9 March – We published a briefing on Racism Against Indigenous Australians on Instagram. It looked at two accounts dedicate spreading this racism and what they posted.
8 March – Our Fight Against Hate reporting tool was configured to accept reports of racism against Indigenous Australians. You can report racism on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to it below.
7 March – Our first fundraising target of $1000 was met. This allows the campaign to be expanded to increase its impact. The next goal is $2000 for a further expansion – donations can be made at our fundraiser.
7 March – In an opinion article, “Tackling racism against Indigenous Australians must be a priority” our CEO Dr Oboler discusses the importance of all Australians tackling racism against Indigenous Australians and the role of social media in empowerment and reconciliation.
3 March – We sent out a newsletter marking the start of the campaign.
3 March – 10daily published an article on this campaign with a preview of some of the content and comments from the eSafety Commissioner.
1 March – This campaign page was created
29 February – We discuss anti-Black racism with The Daily Dot and the spread of a “Black Lives Don’t Matter” content on Instagram. While it isn’t racism against Indigenous Australians, this sort of anti-Black racism online sets a global tone.
Report Racism
Please use this tool to report racism against Indigenous Australians on Facebook, YouTube or Twitter. For content on Instagram or other platforms please contact us and provide the web address.