Campaign to Tackle Racism & Xenophobia

Throughout September 2020, the Online Hate Prevention Institute (OHPI) will be running a campaign to tackle online Racism & Xenophobia.

OHPI stands against all Racism & Xenophobia expressed online: through the use of social media, discussion platforms or on commentary sections of online media.

Since 2012, OHPI has produced a number of briefings and commentary on tackling Racism & Xenophobia.

Join us by taking action! You can help the campaign in a number of ways:

  • Share this article on social media and with people and organisations who would support this work
  • Support and share our fundraiser to further enhance the campaign
  • Report examples of online Racism & Xenophobia to platforms hosting it (ie. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube)
  • Help us report the items we highlight in campaign articles
  • Anti-hate organisations, particularly those who work in the area of tackling Racism & Xenophobia, are invited to become supporters of the campaign – we need your logo and an article from you that says who you are and your thoughts / experiences regarding online Trolling.
  • Companies and foundations are invited to become sponsors, these funds along with donations will be used to take the campaign further.

About the Online Hate Prevention Institute:

The Online Hate Prevention Institute is Australia’s only harm prevention charity dedicated to preventing the harm to people as a result of online hate and extremism. We deal with all forms of online hate and our work on other topics can be accessed from our homepage. Funds from this campaign will be used to tackle online Racism & Xenophobia. Donations can also be made to support our other campaigns planned for 2020, and general donations are particularly appreciated.

You can also connect with us by joining over 24,000 people who like our Facebook page, following us on Twitter, and joining our mailing list.

Campaign Partners:

Organisations that work to counter Online Trolling are invited to join the campaign as a partner. Contact us for details.

Campaign Summary

1 September – Campaign launched

2 September – Published briefing:  More Racist and Anti-Chinese Sentiments on Twitter During COVID-19

  • Racism & xenophobia continue to be pervasive and omnipresent forms of hate across all social media platforms.
  • The briefing looks at the surge of anti-Chinese sentiments & increased racism as a result of COVID-19. It draws on examples from the United States. Messages that are full of racial slurs with hateful and often threatening overtones.

4 September – OHPI Facebook post of news article about Racism & Xenophobia: Open letter demands ‘urgent, further action’ to stop online racial attacks

7 September – OHPI Facebook post of news article about Racism & Xenophobia: Online hate gets punished: White supremacist gets three years in jail for racist threats

8 September – Published briefing: Attacking politicians and antisemitism

  • Antisemitism is anti-Jewish racism.
  • This briefing looks at grafiti attacking the Premier of Victoria using Nazi symbolism and antisemitic messaging

9 September – Published briefing: Australian racism targeting Black Lives Matter

  • This briefing examines racist content posted by an Australian about Black Americans and the Black Lives Matter protests

10 September – OHPI Facebook post of news article about Racism & Xenophobia: Cyber analysts uncover campaign to push xenophobia agenda on Twitter

16 September – Published briefing: Xenophobia 2020: COVID-19 Anti-Asian Attitudes

  • Online in 2020, anti-Asia has become the new Xenophobia.  OHPI’s latest article appeals for a concerted effort to put a stop to this unfair racist hatred.
  • From the moment COVID-19 was first tracked to China we’ve witnessed a massive rise of online anti-Asian attacks.
  • We’ve seen racist labelling of the virus by politicians and the media. Others have gone further and stirred up anti-Chinese sentiments linked to its food culture. In Australia, it didn’t take long for older anti-Asian attitudes to emerge.

25 September – OHPI Facebook post of news article about Racism & Xenophobia: Student charged after allegedly making racist comments during online learning session

29 September – OHPI Facebook post of news article about Racism & Xenophobia: Black church’s online service attacked with racist hate speech