Racism on X, Gab & TikTok

X (formerly Twitter)


Our policy on “hate speech” is to allow all speech which is permitted by the First Amendment and to disallow all speech which is not permitted by the First Amendment. We allow hate speech, as defined in New York law, if it is lawful because it is lawful. We reserve the right to remove speech when it is unlawful because it is unlawful.

We will not be tracking “hate speech,” providing any mechanism to report it specifically, nor responding to anyone who reports it, because the Constitution and Federal law protect our right to do so and forbid New York from legislating otherwise. If users wish to file a report for content which is objectionable they may do so with our moderation team via the usual channels. If they report conduct which is “hateful conduct” under New York law but which is lawful under the First Amendment they should expect that no action will be taken by us. We have the ability to respond to moderation reports but never do so.


Example 1

Example 2

Example 4
