Recap 2015: How to Combat Online Antisemitism (e-book / book)


In our Recap 2015 series, we look at some of our major achievements during 2015.

On July 1, 2015, OHPI published an e-book giving guidance on combating online antisemitism as well as step-by-step instructions on reporting hate to Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and OHPI’s independent online hate reporting system The book also helped readers understand how to safely engage in counter speech and provide examples of online antisemitism and possible responses.

The book is available from Amazon and Scribd. Physical copies of the book were distributed at the Global Forum to Combat Antisemitism with an offer for other organisations to co-brand it with OHPI and make use of it in their own programs. A print version of the book was recently produced with the Lamm Jewish Library of Australia in August 2015, to accompany the Anne Frank travelling exhibition that was held at the library.

The e-Book promotes OHPI’s objective of undertaking other activities that promote the prevention or control of online hate that causes emotional abuse, physical abuse, self-harm and suicide. The use of the book by schools and other groups focused on youth, which helped equip them with the necessary skills to combat the spread of online hate, and thus meet our long term goal of promoting multiculturalism and equal opportunity and the prevention of abuse and abusive behaviour.

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