Statement on fake Teresa profile


Our usual policy is to ignore “Charlie” publicly, however, his latest activity is again designed to lead others into potentially criminal activity and needs to be exposed.

As many will be aware, “Charlie” (not his real name), is the person behind a series of attacks on the ANZACs in the lead up to last ANZAC day. You can read about it here: In that report Charlie created a fake profile by the name of “Joseph Oboler” who he claimed was related to OHPI’s CEO, working for OHPI, and behind the attacks on veterans. This led to various members of the public, who were misled, posting the address of OHPI’s office (which is publically available) and urging attacks against OHPI staff.

Charlie has now created a new Joseph Oboler profile ( (id 100006618281866) and renamed it “Teresa Oboler”. The work details state this fake profile’s job is “Chief Executive Officer at Keep ANZAC day in it’s current form”. This is clearly an impersonation of Teresa Bayes. A post made by this fake profile to OHPI’s page states that Oboler is the fake profile’s maiden name.

OHPI has recently warned people about the danger in spreading defamatory information received second hand or that people think they have discovered online. One of the dangers is that there are people like “Charlie” deliberately trying to trick others into breaking the law by impersonation, fabrication and deception.

OHPI states categorically that the Teresa Oboler profile is a fake created for malicious purposes and is nothing to do with Teresa Bayes, Dr Andre Oboler, The Online Hate Prevention Institute, or the “Keep ANZAC day in its current form” page. We will be referring this matter to police.

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