
The Macquarie Dictionary (Sixth Edition Oct 2013) defines homophobia as:

noun fear of homosexuals, usually linked with hostility towards them.

OHPI stands against any homophobic speech expressed online: on social media, on discussion platforms, and on commentary sections of online media.


Transphobia is hate speech against transgender people. It is part of cisgenderism, an umbrella term that collectively describes forms of systemic oppression that invalidate people’s own classifications and understanding of their genders and bodies.

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Please show your support and help us do more to tackle homophobia, transphobia, and other anti-LGBTIQ+ hate:

Campaign (July 2020) – Combating Online Homophobia and Transphobia

During the month of July in 2020 we ran a special campaign to combat online Homophobia and Transphobia.  The campaign aimed at increasing the focus on preventing this particular area of online hate.

Below is a list of our publications documenting, reporting and highlighting instances of online homophobic speech.






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