Islamophobia and antisemitism — why they are a shared challenge, not a competition
Derya Iner writes for the ABC in response to a recent article by our CEO, Andre Oboler. In the original article for the ABC, Oboler argued that antisemitism […]
Interview on CBC’s Weekend Morning Show for International Holocaust Remembrance Day
The CBC interviews our CEO Andre Oboler ahead of his key-note speech at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights to mark International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Oboler discusses the […]
Misogynistic Dating Gurus on Social Media
Accounts dedicated to giving dating advice to young men are common on social media. These accounts range from well-intentioned to deliberately provocative, and often function as advertisements for […]
‘Magnificent’: Activist in ‘Awe’ After Attacks
The Advertiser recently reported on a former University of Adelaide student magazine editor who posted on social media praising Iran’s missile strike on Israel. The article discusses the […]
Twitter needs to grow up
As part of celebrating our 10 year anniversary we updated to Twitter setting it to be a “professional profile”, an organisation or brand, and filling in as our […]
‘Racist rot’: Neo-nazi’s slammed for KKK ritual on sacred land
SBSs reports that, over the weekend, 38 young white men as part of a far-right extremist organisation assembled at Gariwerd – also known as the Grampians range – […]
Training Exercise
This material is provided as part of an activity for the “The Rising Online Hate from COVID-19” training provided by the Online Hate Prevention Institute in conjunction with […]
Monthly Campaigns for 2020
As we enter our 9th year tackling online hate extremism we are pleased to announce a new approach with monthly campaigns focused on specific areas of online hate. […]
A new form of terrorism emerged in 2019. Incubated by a globalised, toxic, anonymous online culture, incitement to hate now all too frequently leads to violent extremism that manifests offline, […]
Antisemitic vandalism during this federal election campaign ― why is it happening? what can be done?
ABC News cites our CEO Andre Oboler on how to prevent abusive and hateful content on social media and the difficulties involved in regulation.