
The Macquarie Dictionary (Sixth Edition, 2013) defines a cyberbully as: 

noun (plural cyberbullies)
1.  a person who bullies another using email, chat rooms, social network sites, etc.

verb (t) (cyberbullied, cyberbullying)
2.  to bully (another) in this way.

Often, cyberbullying is discussed as a particular problem for children, specially teenagers. However, OHPI believes that anyone can be cyberbullied, regardless of their age.

Serious trolling

See also: Serious Trolling

Campaign (December 2020) – Combating Online Cyber Bullying

During the month of December we will be running a special campaign to combat online Cyber Bullying.  The campaign aims to increase the focus on preventing this particular area of online hate. Special donations can be made to support this specific campaign and are welcome at any time.

Below is a list of our publications documenting, reporting and highlighting instances of cyberbullying. 







OHPI also produces submissions for governments and white papers for the industry.

March 10, 2014: OHPI’s Submission to the Australian government on Online Safety